Lack The Rack Part I

I got some 19 inch server. The problem I don't have a rack for it. So there are two options buy for a truck load of money a rack or build one on my own. So just buying a rack sounds boring, and I don't have a truck load of money.

First step

To build your own rack you need a table from Ikea called lack. They are available in different colours and cost around 5$ -15$. They are exactly 19" and you can stack multiple of them to a large rack.


I invest some hours, to paint on the front site a logo.

img img img img img img


The assembly of the table is so easy, that I think even a monkey can do it.

##Mount the server

My servers are kind of short, so I need to attach them from the backside a bit.

img img

And as you can see a 19" fit perfect in a lack table.

img img

Mount Nexus 5 On Fedora

I connect my phone with my laptop. And surprise it doesn't work.

So I google around and based on this: mounting nexus 4 via MTP in Fedora 17 I found a solution. (at least for Fedora 20 and Nexus 5 with MTP).

Install libs:

sudo yum -y install fuse fuse-libs libmtp simple-mtpfs

Update your udev rules:

sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/51-nexus.rules

#LG -- Nexus 5
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0666"

For Nexus 4 it's possible something like:

#Nexus 4
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="4ee1", MODE="0666"

Now just add aliases for it. For that add to your .bashrc these lines:

alias nexusmount="simple-mtpfs ~/your/mount/point"
alias nexusumount="fusermount -u ~/your/mount/point"

Now reboot to reload your udev rules and load the new modules.

After that just mount and unmount your device.


There is a list with vendore id's

Company USB Vendor ID
Acer 0502
ASUS 0b05
Dell 413c
Foxconn 0489
Fujitsu 04c5
Fujitsu Toshiba 04c5
Garmin-Asus 091e
Google 18d1
Haier 201E
Hisense 109b
HTC 0bb4
Huawei 12d1
Intel 8087
K-Touch 24e3
KT Tech 2116
Kyocera 0482
Lenovo 17ef
LG 1004
Motorola 22b8
MTK 0e8d
NEC 0409
Nook 2080
Nvidia 0955
OTGV 2257
Pantech 10a9
Pegatron 1d4d
Philips 0471
PMC-Sierra 04da
Qualcomm 05c6
SK Telesys 1f53
Samsung 04e8
Sharp 04dd
Sony 054c
Sony Ericsson 0fce
Sony Mobile Communications 0fce
Teleepoch 2340
Toshiba 0930
ZTE 19d2

Browser Link Visual Studio 2013

Mit dem neuen Visual Studio 2013 gibt es etwas das sich Browser Link nennt. Eigentlich eine nette idee eine aus dem Visual Studio raus mehr als ein gerät zu refreshen. Was es alles so kann kann man hier nachlesen Browser Link feature in Visual Studio Preview 2013.

Ich find es aber scheisse sollange es mein Solution Explorer mit poll?transport=longPolling&connectionToken= voll rotzt.


Bitte Microsoft fix das, oder macht irgendwo eine Option das man das ausblenden kann. Solange kann man es aber auch bequem austellen, und zwar hier: fix


Da es manchmal dazu tendiert Einstellungen zu ignorieren, kann man sich auch einfach ein Eintrag im web.config machen.

    <add key="vs:EnableBrowserLink" value="false"/>

Firefox Cipher Suites

What is a cipher suite? This is a named combination of authentication, encryption, and message authentication code (MAC) algorithms which is used for TLS and SSL. And many of these cipher suite are by default in your Browser and known as insecure.

The nice thing about this is you can fix these really fast.

  1. go to about:config
  2. set security.tls.version.max to 3
  3. search all security.ssl3. disable all exept these from the list below

You can see on if you got everything right.

Check these in all browser and help friends and family with this!

Yoga And Sd Card

In the Lenovo Ideapad Yoga laptop is a SD card slot but there are not default driver for that.

But you can simple install it with:

sudo yum install kmod-staging

And now you can load it with:

sudo modprobe rts5139

Or you can just reboot your laptop.

Please keep in mind that it don't work if you have secure boot on.