Cloud9 is an online development environment for writing, running and debugging Javascript, Node.js, PHP, Python, Java and Ruby applications. It’s often referred of as Google docs for code.
It's a really really cool tool with a very good Integration of github and bitbucket. So you can edit your repositorys online with a nice IDE. You can also debug your Projects so it's a good thing for editing your repositorys.
Reasons to use Cloud9:
if you aren't at home or on a foreign computer
if you haven't installed git
if you won't to clone the repository (I think that isn't a reason)
A short time ago I was made aware of a realy cool thing from a colleague. That was the website.
There you can create a graphical version of your git repository with just a few clicks, if it is hosted on Github.
There are all events that affect a repository as a block in a 3D world shown. Each event type is assigned a color and an icon. These are then displayed on the block.
TThese blocks are stacked one above the other and next to each other. There is a three-dimensional image of the repository through which you you can navigate virtual.
This is a really cool thing and you can set up it with just a few clicks. If you want to try it, i can olny recommend it.
A guide with all necessairy steps can be find at the bottom of the homepage.
Wenn ihr das lest hat die umstellung auf auf jekyll 1.0.2 geklappt. Darum hab ich den git post hook angepasst und möcht ihn euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten.
Auch das was ihr hier oben seht ist neu den mit jekyll 1.0.2 ist eine einfach gist integration gekommen. Allerdings hat die Integration probleme gemacht, da wir ein pygment theme hatten das die gist furchtbar aussehen liess.
I bought a new Lenovo Ideapad Yoga laptop and the first thing I did was installing Fedora.
Fedora works nice on it, touch screen works out of the box \o/, though the card reader doesn't work but I don't use it, so it's ok for me. But a big problem is that there is no RJ45 Ethernet plug, only W-LAN and this doesn't
work out of box. So I search and found some creepy sources for it but they all fail to compile so I wrote the
author of these drivers and he told me that it's on Github. Conclusion: I'm too stupid for google.
If you take the source from Github it compiles fine on my laptop. So start with cloning the repo doing:
After a restart you should have W-LAN. You need to do this step every time you update your kernel!
You may need one of these packages to compile if you don't have them already.
make gcc kernel-header kernel-devel patch
Driver quality
The drivers are really stable and I have no problems, no connection losses. And I tested the speed with netio and it's a bit slower than the windows drivers but I think most people, including me, can live with that. In the table you can see the speed differences between the Linux and windows drivers.