Darkice Part 3
08 Feb 2025I just updated the blog post Streaming Setup to install the latest version of Darkice on Fedora 41.
Or you can use the ansible playbook I create for it: functions/darkice.yml
I just updated the blog post Streaming Setup to install the latest version of Darkice on Fedora 41.
Or you can use the ansible playbook I create for it: functions/darkice.yml
It is almost 5 years after building my Xeon D NAS, and my [Dell T20] started to fail. (Well actually as it turned out just the RAM was failing, the rest is still fine)
And here is what I ended up with this round:
I was looking for something new with AMD since the Intel boards I seen where less exciting the last few years. The AsRock X570D4i-2t comes with 10GbE, is mini-ITX sized and takes AM4 socket CPUs. It can even handle up to 128GB memory which is great since 24GB was not enough to build my FreeBSD packages. I took the same Supermicro case since I was very happy with it the first time around as it provides space for 4 hot swappable HDDs. And the form factor is great and it contains already a power supply. I debated to build a only nvme based NAS but I guess that's and idea for later.
Let's talk about the things I learned/hated. Starting with minor things: OCuLink is an interesting connector and since I was not sure if an OCuLink to SATA adapter is part of the mainboard I went ahead and ordered one. During that I found out that it is not that popular and kinda hard to buy. I think OCuLink is cool from a technical aspect and is easy to use, but annoying to buy since it is not wide spread yet.
You might have spotted the 8pin(DC-IN)+4pin(ATX) in the specs for the power connector. This was supper unclear to me and even with the documentation provided in paper form it was not mentioned. I needed to consult the full documentation where on page 25 we can find a drawing for it. Apparently for 12V you could connect one 8 pin connector, but for a normal ATX you need to connect one 4 pin into the 8 pin connector and an other 4 pin for CPU. In the end I'm just happy I didn't fry my mainboard by trying to connect power to this board.
Things getting worse: I own now 3 CPU coolers for this CPU. The first one is the stock fan which came with the CPU and I had intended to use it. When starting assembling it became clear that this will not fit and I need a LGA115x fan. Fair enough I missed that the first time I looked at the specs. I got one from aliexpress because it is supper hard to find coolers for LGA115x. A week later when I tried to install this fan I learned that only some LGA115x will work or I would need to remove the already installed backpannel for the cooler. This at least to me is the worst design decision by ASRock not to go for a standard cooler mount. I ended up with Cooler Master I30 I50 I50c MINI CPU Cooler 2600 RPM Quiet Fan For Intel LGA115X 1200 And M-ATX Radiator. Good news is a lot of people talk about overheating issues as far as my few day testing showed, this case and the fan do a good job to keep things cool.
Last but not least I'm not sure who's fault this is but the case front panel connector does not match the mainboard's System and Auxiliary Panel and I needed to resort to connect these two components manually. Meaning I needed to first find the documentation for the case which was harder than expected. It is not in the manual for my case. I needed to resort to looking up a mainboard which uses this connector and search for it there. Luckily the X10SDV Mini-ITX Series documentation contains a the pin layout. Apparently this thing is called JF1 and the manual contained infos on how to connect.
Here is how it looks:
In summary it runs now for a few days and I'm slowly making sure it runs all the things I need mainly backup and building FreeBSD packages. And I can report that everything runs smoothly and the extra CPU and Memory help to build my packages faster. In addition a lot of people online had problems with heat, which is something I did not observe yet, everything runs cool.
No worries my complaining about NixOS isn't done :).
But for this blog post we take a break and talk complain about GPG.
I use and love pass
as my primary password manager.
Which uses gpg to encrypt and decrypt files which are tracked via git.
(I even have a small rofi script to access passwords quickly)
At some point my previous gpg key expired and since it was 10 years old it was time to update. A task that sounds easy enough:
gpg --full-generate-key
pass init $keyid
and that should be it. And it might be good enough depending on your gpg version and settings. Now the only step is to export this key and put it on my phone to unlock my password manager there. I use a combination of OpenKeychain: Easy PGP and Password Store.
Exporting and importing that via a USB stick on the phone was so easy.
gpg --export-secret-key $keyid > gpgprivate.key
Only to be then greeted with:
Encountered OpenPGP Exception during operation!
AEAD is Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data which is as far as i understand it a way to have unencrypted data (for example router header) as a part of your authenticated message. Meaning the receiver of the message can check if the header was modified.
And there are a bunch of incompatible modes / implementations for this. (See: https://articles.59.ca/doku.php?id=pgpfan:schism for way more details) In summary OpenGPG defaults to a mode called OCB which is not standard and implementations like the Android App do not support.
The arch wiki contains a good description on how to disable AEAD on an existing key.
$ gpg --expert --edit-key <FINGERPRINT>
gpg> showpref
[ultimate] (1). Foobar McFooface (test) <foobar@mcfooface.com>
Cipher: AES256, AES192, AES, 3DES
Digest: SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA224, SHA1
Compression: ZLIB, BZIP2, ZIP, Uncompressed
Features: MDC, AEAD, Keyserver no-modify
gpg> setpref AES256 AES192 AES SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP
Set preference list to:
Cipher: AES256, AES192, AES, 3DES
Digest: SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA224, SHA1
Compression: ZLIB, BZIP2, ZIP, Uncompressed
Features: MDC, Keyserver no-modify
Really update the preferences? (y/N) y
(source: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GnuPG#Disable_unsupported_AEAD_mechanism)
Now if we already updated the key in pass
we unfortunately need to re-encrypt all files again.
for filename in ./*/*.gpg; do gpg -d -r $USER ./${filename} > ./${filename}.decrypt ; done
for filename in ./*/*.decrypt; do gpg -e -r $USER ./${filename} ; done
for filename in ./*/*.decrypt.gpg; do mv "${filename}" "${filename/.decrypt.gpg/}" ; done
git commit -am "re-encrypt passwords without AEAD mode"
git clean -dfx
(source: https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/issues/2096)
And tada 🎉 our key works now on Android as well.
Since you might be not interested in me hating NixOS, Linux and the world in general i put my little rant at the end of this article. The first part is how to cross build a NixOS image for a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ from Fedora. I used compiling through binfmt QEMU. My Fedora laptop is a x86 system and we need to build a AArch64 image.
I assume that nix is already installed and binfmt is installed and works. And spoiler / warning no idea if that is proper or a good way to do it, it is just the way that worked for me.
$ nix --version
nix (Nix) 2.15.1
$ ls /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/ | grep aarch64
$ systemctl status systemd-binfmt.service
We need to configure nix to use this.
For this I added the following config to /etc/nix/nix.conf
extra-platforms = aarch64-linux
extra-sandbox-paths = /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static
After that we need to restart the nix daemon.
$ systemctl restart nix-daemon.service
After that we are ready to create the config file:
$ cat configuration.sdImage.nix
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(final: super: {
makeModulesClosure = x:
super.makeModulesClosure (x // { allowMissing = true; });
system.stateVersion = lib.mkDefault "23.11";
imports = [
nixpkgs.hostPlatform.system = "aarch64-linux";
sdImage.compressImage = false;
# NixOS wants to enable GRUB by default
boot.loader.grub.enable = false;
# Enables the generation of /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
boot.loader.generic-extlinux-compatible.enable = true;
# Set to specific linux kernel version
boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_rpi3;
# Needed for the virtual console to work on the RPi 3, as the default of 16M doesn't seem to be enough.
# If X.org behaves weirdly (I only saw the cursor) then try increasing this to 256M.
# On a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB, you should either disable this parameter or increase to at least 64M if you want the USB ports to work.
boot.kernelParams = ["cma=256M"];
# Settings
# The rest of your config things
# Use less privileged nixos user
users.users.nixos = {
isNormalUser = true;
extraGroups = [ "wheel" "networkmanager" "video" ];
# Allow the graphical user to login without password
initialHashedPassword = "";
# Allow the user to log in as root without a password.
users.users.root.initialHashedPassword = "";
The overlays
are quite important as there is some issue
which I don't fully understand.
If not added the error looks something like this where a kernel module was not found:
modprobe: FATAL: Module ahci not found in directory /nix/store/8bsagfwwxdvp9ybz37p092n131vnk8wz-linux-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-6.1.21-1.20230405-modules/lib/modules/6.1.21
error: builder for '/nix/store/jmb55l06cvdpvwwivny97aldzh147jwx-linux-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-6.1.21-1.20230405-modules-shrunk.drv' failed with exit code 1;
last 3 log lines:
> kernel version is 6.1.21
> root module: ahci
> modprobe: FATAL: Module ahci not found in directory /nix/store/8bsagfwwxdvp9ybz37p092n131vnk8wz-linux-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-6.1.21-1.20230405-modules/lib/modules/6.1.21
For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/jmb55l06cvdpvwwivny97aldzh147jwx-linux-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-6.1.21-1.20230405-modules-shrunk.drv'.
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/ndd1yhiy68c2av64gwn8zfpn3yg07iq5-stage-1-init.sh.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/j2gmvl3vaj083ww87lwfrnx81g6vias2-initrd-linux-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-6.1.21-1.20230405.drv' failed to build
building '/nix/store/vs0cg5kzbislprzrd3ya16n1xd532763-zfs-user-2.1.12-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.drv'...
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/gjhfjh9bb3ha0v03k7b4r3wvw4nxm7r3-nixos-system-aegaeon-23.11pre493358.a30520bf8ea.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/x5mnb1xfxk7kp0mbjw7ahxrz2yiv922s-ext4-fs.img-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/8qbjy9mnkrbyhj4kvl50m8ynzpgwmrpz-nixos-sd-image-23.11pre493358.a30520bf8ea-aarch64-linux.img-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.drv' failed to build
Don't forget to add your customization after # Settings
This is the place where you setup your user, enable required services,
configure networking.
In my case that's where most of the config is from this blog post: Build a simple dns with a Raspberry Pi and NixOS.
After that we can build (this takes some time!) and flash the image.
nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.sdImage -I nixos-config=./configuration.sdImage.nix --option sandbox false --argstr system aarch64-linux
sudo -s
cat /path/to/img > /dev/sdX
Why am I building a image myself instead of using the official image and just do what i have written in my earlier blog post Build a simple dns with a Raspberry Pi and NixOS. And the answer to that is part of my rant somehow NixOS is not able to upgrade / build on 23.11 on a Raspberry Pi it crashes for my either while downloading some packages or with some pid that either deadlocks or hangs for longer than i was willing to wait (more than 6 hours).
After I decided to try to cross build it was a real struggle to figure out how to do that. There are a lot of resources:
And a lot of them are not well structured or outdated. Which makes it very hard for a beginner like me to figure out where to start.
But with all this ranting i also want to point out that it seems like most NixOS user want to help you out. Thanks makefu for answering all my stupid NixOS questions and nova for pointing me to the correct github issue.
With the recent fork and drama around LXD it might be time to give Incus a chance.
Using Incus as GitLab runner is nice because it provides you with a simple interface to run containers and VMs for the cases where Docker is not enough. Helpfully there is a custom LXD GitLab runner provided by GitLab.
Based on that I created a custom Incus GitLab runner. Checkout: https://github.com/fliiiix/gitlab-incus-runner
This can be easily integrated into the deployment system used to setup GitLab runners. (Thinks Ansible)
It also assumes that you already installed Incus on the runner. To achieve that you can follow the official documentation for that. Or take some inspiration from the next section.
Look at the official documentation. This is just a quick summary on how I did it.
mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings/
curl -fsSL https://pkgs.zabbly.com/key.asc -o /etc/apt/keyrings/zabbly.asc
sh -c 'cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zabbly-incus-stable.sources
Enabled: yes
Types: deb
URIs: https://pkgs.zabbly.com/incus/stable
Suites: $(. /etc/os-release && echo ${VERSION_CODENAME})
Components: main
Architectures: $(dpkg --print-architecture)
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/zabbly.asc
apt-get update
apt-get install incus
sudo adduser ubuntu incus-admin
Big Kudos to zabbly and Stéphane Graber for providing pre-built images!
And to setup Incus I used cloud-config runcmd.
- 'incus admin init --preseed < /etc/incus.seed && touch /etc/incus.init'
This assumes that you created your preseed config:
$ cat /etc/incus.seed
config: {}
- config:
ipv4.address: auto
ipv6.address: none
description: ""
name: incusbr0
type: ""
project: default
- config:
size: 200GiB
description: ""
name: default
driver: zfs
- config: {}
description: ""
name: eth0
network: incusbr0
type: nic
path: /
pool: default
type: disk
name: default
projects: []
cluster: null